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The Rallying Cry is a small and growing international not-for-profit initiative that connects the international finance and development sectors. It is led by a collective of women business leaders and climate, gender, and development finance professionals and institutions.
Created in November 2020 with funding from FMO, The Rallying Cry exists to occupy the spaces between investor silos, identify and bridge the gaps, and convene voices for change. We are building a platform to amplify the collective wisdom, creativity and resourcefulness of women business leaders, to inspire global change and drive real climate action.
The Rallying Cry is currently focused on agribusinesses in Africa in the pilot countries of Kenya and Zambia, bringing local solutions to global challenges.
The Rallying Cry is calling for collective climate leadership: a new model of inclusive, collaborative, co-creative leadership that is led by diverse experiences, voices and vision. We need collective global leadership action which includes and values first-hand experience and knowledge of climate change at ground level.
We want to shift the wisdom of women entrepreneurs on the frontlines of climate change to the forefront of global climate leadership.