Learning & Teaching Materials Development Specialist Job at Education Development Trust - Career Opportunity in Rwanda
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2341 Days Ago
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Vacancy title:
Learning & Teaching Materials Development Specialist

Jobs at:
Education Development Trust

Deadline of this Job:
25th October 2018

Duty Station:
Kigali, Rwanda

Date Posted: 11th October 2018 , Base Salary: Not Disclosed , Employment Type: Full-Time

About the Company


Learning & Teaching Materials Development Specialist

About the role

The purpose of this role is to provide technical support to the Rwanda Education Board on all aspects of the in-house development, design, creation, editing, and quality-assuring of Grade-appropriate Primary and Secondary Level Learning & Teaching Materials, across all Subject areas.

About the organisation

Education Development Trust (Ed Dev Trust) is the lead partner in a consortium that has secured an accountable grant from the UK’s Department for International Development (DFID) to deliver a programme of support to the Rwanda Ministry of Education (MINEDUC) towards improving the country’s primary education system.

The Building Learning Foundations (BLF) is a three-year, £25m MINEDUC and Rwanda Education Board (REB) programme funded by UKAid that aims to strengthen the Rwanda education system through a series of targeted interventions that will improve the quality of teaching and leadership in primary schools to improve learning outcomes in English and Mathematics for 2.6 million children.

The BLF programme is delivered through three ‘Foundations’: Foundation 1 focuses on improving foundational skills in English and Mathematics for teachers and Foundation 2 focuses on professional development for head teachers on leadership for learning while Foundation 3 focuses on strengthening the education system through a mix of technical assistance and capacity building as well as MIS development and data activities. BLF is implemented by a consortium of Ed Dev

Trust (lead partner), the British Council and VSO.
As part of Foundation 3’s technical assistance to REB, BLF is supporting four long-term experts in public financial management (PFM), internal audit, monitoring and evaluation and planning, and the management of learning and teaching materials (LTMs).

REB has the overall responsibility for curriculum development and support and has traditionally contracted commercial publishers to publish textbooks and other LTMs for all the schools that it is responsible for. Within the context of implementing a new Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC), REB is now in the process of implementing in-house LTM publishing as part of its new strategy on LTM.

In this regard and in partnership with REB, the BLF is seeking applications from qualified and suitable persons for the position of Learning and Teaching Materials Specialist (LTM Specialist) to be based within REB’s Curriculum and Pedagogical Materials Department in order to support the development (manuscript, layout and illustration) of teaching and learning materials, reading books, and electronic materials. The position is based full-time in Kigali, Rwanda (with some travel anticipated to locations outside Kigali) and will be working under the direct management of the relevant REB department

Job application procedure

Please Click Here To Apply: https://careers.educationdevelopmenttrust.com/vacancies/vacancy-details.aspx?VacancyID=165&Display=1

Job Info
Job Category: Corporate / Organisation Specialist jobs in Zambia
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 25th October 2018
Duty Station: Kigali, Rwanda
Posted: 12-10-2018
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 12-10-2018
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 12-10-2064
Apply Now
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