Call for Proposals tender at ActionAid Zambia
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ActionAid Zambia (AAZ) is part of the ActionAid Global (AAG) Federation, sharing common values and aims to drive social change towards a just, equitable and sustainable world. ActionAid Zambia works with poor and excluded women and young people, their organizations and movements, to address the structural causes of social injustice, gender inequality and poverty. This fight is in line with the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which have identified the importance of addressing poverty alongside inequality.

Our Vision

A just equitable and sustainable Zambia in which every person enjoys freedom from poverty and oppression for enjoyment of their right to a life of dignity.

Our Mission

To promote Social Justice, Gender Equality & Poverty Eradication for the people Living in Poverty, Exclusion and Marginalized in Society by working with the people living in poverty their communities, Zambia organizations, Activists & Social Movements for a Just sustainable.

Our Approach and Ways of Working Using the Human Rights Based Approach (HRBA)

AAZ supports, builds knowledge and skills of collective agencies of people that spearhead evidence-based lobbying and advocacy to shift power in people’s favour. Believing in local initiatives and capabilities to ensure sustainability, AAZ is committed to strengthen its work through partnerships and be less of an implementer but more of a visible capacity builder and facilitator of change. AAZ ensures inter‐linkages across priorities, programmes, and projects. We ensure that initiatives are consistent from local to national level and adequately feed to federation and global initiatives. Recognizing the developmental challenges posed by patriarchy, AAZ applies a feminist lens and put women and young people at the centre of driving transformative change.

With support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA), ActionAid Zambia has been implementing the “Strengthening Civil Society Effectiveness in Promoting Good Governance and Increasing Citizen’s Awareness and Demand for Human Rights in Zambia” Project.  The overall goal of the project is to increase citizens awareness and demand for human rights in Zambia. Under the phase two, the project will be implemented from 2024 to June 2028.

We are pleased to announce this Call for Proposals, inviting Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), Community Based Organizations, Social Movements in Zambia to submit project ideas that aim to address the following objectives and Result areas:

Objective 1

To enhance Civic Participation, Accountability, and Inclusive Democracy by the year 2028

Key Result Areas

  • Improved governance and public service delivery in Zambia through enhanced citizens civic participation and state accountability.
  • Strengthened CSOs and citizen’s role in promoting transparency and accountability in public finance management and institutional governance systems.
  • Increased participation of women and young people in the electoral process.
  • Elections provide a fair and secure environment for candidates and voters, ensuring equitable competition and freedom from intimidation, illegal influence, or violence

Objective 2

To advocate for protection of women’s rights and young people in the extractive industry, by promoting effective and inclusive citizen participation in natural resource governance and climate justice by the year 2028

Key Result Areas

CSOs & citizens have strengthened capacity in holding government accountable in the enforcement of policies and regulations for sustainable NR management and climate justice by the year 2028.
Objective 3

To advocate for Sexual Reproductive Health Rights (SRHR) for adolescents, women, and marginalized people by the year 2028

Key Result Areas

Access to better health is promoted through strengthened capacity of CSOs and citizens to demand for accountability in the provision of quality health care.
1.      Standard Grant

ActionAid Zambia is therefore requesting for proposals / Concept Notes from interested Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) willing to be involved and take action to change their own societies and communities. This call is under the Standard Grant. This grant type is issued to organizations with long-term activities that require advance funding and have sufficient financial and programme capacity to receive advance funding.

Additional requirements:

  • All proposals must in addition to the above, demonstrate how they intend to mainstream issues of social inclusion.
  • This request for proposals is targeted at CSOs that have carried out similar works in the past but also meet the set criteria below.
  • Organizations must demonstrate how they will collaborate with other players/actors to achieve the objectives of their submitted proposals.
  • ActionAid Zambia notes that collaboration and engagements with other actors is very important in achieving these objectives. Therefore, all applying organizations should clearly indicate which actors they will be collaborating/engaging with and how that will be done.

Grant Amount: K3,000,000.00 minimum and K9,000,000.00 maximum

Duration: Minimum one (1) year and maximum of three (3) years

Geographical Scope:

The project should be implemented in any of the following provinces: Eastern, Southern, Muchinga, North-Western and Western Provinces, Lusaka and Copperbelt will be targeted to complement existing interventions.

Eligibility Criteria

Full proposals are invited from registered local CSOs operating in Zambia. Profit making entities, Political parties, groupings or entities and CSOs that are involved or linked to political parties are ineligible to apply. The following criteria should be met:

  • Registered CSOs and must be in existence for minimum 3 years.
  • Have external audited accounts for the last 2 years (2022/2023 audited accounts).
  • Proof of compliance to statutory obligations i.e. ZRA, NAPSA
  • Have a track record and proof of carrying out similar works.
  • Have a functional separate bank account for the project operated by more than one signatory.
  • Have articles of association, constitution of trust deed.
  • Have a functioning Board of Directors or Trustees.
  • Two References from reputable organisations.
  • Proof of an updated risk register.
  • Proof of Sexual Harassment, Exploitation, and Abuse (SHEA) policies and systems.
  • Proof of procurement and financial manuals.
  • Demonstrate capability to provide monthly financial reports.

Applying organizations must also demonstrate working at the National, Provincial, District and Community levels.

Evaluation process

Evaluation of the proposals will have the following applied.

A. Feasibility of design & Approach.  The quality and feasibility of the application in terms of the appropriateness of the proposed methodology, innovativeness, and the work plan for achieving project objectives to offer significant impacts on proposed objectives and outcomes. Proposed mechanisms for monitoring and evaluation with objectively measurable indicators will also be appraised.

B. Impact on target group.  The extent to which the proposed activity corresponds to the needs of target group(s) and will directly benefit them. Also, the degree to which it will directly or indirectly stimulate other organizations and resources to replicate, develop, or implement activities supporting the objectives and priorities of AAZ.

C. Management and Programmatic Capacity.  Evidence of the capability to undertake and accomplish the proposed activities. Appraisal will be based principally on reference checks by AAZ; the background, qualifications, reputation, appropriateness and skills of its key personnel; and the “track record,” reputation, and achievements (including development of self-sufficient, sustainable activities) of the organization involved.

D. Sustainability/Financial Self-Reliance.  The extent to which the funded activity will result in building and strengthening the capacity of the community and local CSOs, and whether the activity itself is sustainable or will stimulate sustainability of the organization.

E. Cost efficiency.  The degree to which budgeting is clear and reasonable and reflects best use of organizational and grant resources.

F. Past Performance.  Previous or ongoing experience implementing similar activities.  This examines an Applicant’s track-record, which is a critical factor in assessing the capacity of the Grantee to implement the activity.

G. Cost Share. The local contribution reflects commitment to the project by the targeted beneficiaries and local institutions.

H. Youth and Women Inclusion. The extent to which the funded activity includes a gender component or represents a strong commitment to women and youth as beneficiaries.

I. Human Rights Based Approach (HRBA): Projects should demonstrate application of HRBA principles and learning.

J. Learning Centered Programming: Projects should demonstrate a learning centered agile Programming approach to influence transformative changes.

Application Process

The following documents must be filled in according to the given instructions in /within the documents.

1. Standard Grant Application form
2. Standard Grant Concept note
3. Budget

Note: To apply, kindly download the standard grant application form, standard Grant concept note and budget template at this link:

Filled in applications should be emailed to the appropriate email address:

2.      Innovative Grant

ActionAid Zambia is requesting for proposals / Concept Notes from Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) Community Based Organizations and Social Movements willing to be involved and take action to change their own societies and communities through innovative approaches. This call is under an Innovation Grant, the Innovative Grant provides funding to support creative exploration and project development that will raise the community’s awareness of and engagement with innovative ideas and projects focusing on any of the following thematic areas within a limited time frame of up to minimum six (6) months and maximum two (2) years.

Grant Amount: K500,000.00 Minimum and K1,000,000 Maximum

Duration: Minimum six months and Maximum two (2) Years

Geographical Scope:

The project should be implemented in any of the following provinces: Eastern, Southern, Muchinga, North-Western and Western Provinces. Lusaka and Copperbelt will be targeted to complement existing interventions.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Civil Society Organisations (CSOs), Community-Based Organizations (CBOs), Movements with a proven record of innovative approaches.
  • Creative initiatives / innovations to address any of the above thematic areas.
  • Proposed action must be in line with the Human Rights Based Approach.
  • Must be willing to work with ActionAid Hub offices.
  • Must have traceable physical address and bank account for CSOs and CBOs.
  • Must be non-political organization.
  • Applicants must be able to supply a recommendation and/or reference from reputable NGOs or government agency.
  • Projects duration should be maximum two years.

Application Process

The following documents must be filled in according to the given instructions in /within the documents.

1. Innovation grant application form
2. Innovative grant concept note
3. Budget

Note: To apply, kindly download the Innovative grant application form, Innovative Grant concept note and budget template at this link. Filled in applications should be emailed to the appropriate email address:

3.      Community Action Grant

ActionAid Zambia is therefore requesting for proposals / Concept Notes from interested Community Based Organizations (CBOs) willing to be involved and take action to change their own societies and communities. This call is under Community Action Grant and provides funding to support community interventions focusing on any of the following programme thematic areas within a limited time frame of up to minimum six (6) months and Maximum one (1) year.

Grant Amount: K150,000.00 minimum and K700,000.00 Maximum

Duration:  Minimum six months and Maximum One (1) Year six months

Geographical Scope:

The project should be implemented in any of the following provinces: Eastern, Southern, Muchinga, North-Western and Western Provinces. Lusaka and Copperbelt will be targeted to complement existing interventions.

Eligibility Criteria

1. Community-Based Organizations (CBO’s) with membership of not less than 20 people inclusive of youth and women with a proven record of community engagements.

2. Demonstrate capacity to work with people living with disabilities.

3. CBOs should demonstrate a leadership structure with youth and women involvement in leadership structures.

4. Creative initiatives / innovations to address any of the following objective’s:

  • To enhance Civic Participation, Accountability, and Inclusive Democracy by the year 2028.
  • To advocate for protection of women’s rights and young people in the extractive industry, by promoting effective and inclusive citizen participation in natural resource governance and climate justice by the year 2028.
  • To advocate for Sexual Reproductive Health Rights (SRHR) for adolescents, women, and marginalized people by the year 2028.

5. Proposed action must be in line with the Human Rights Based Approach

6. Must be willing to work with ActionAid Hub offices on activity basis

7. Must have traceable physical address and bank account.

8. Must be non-political organization and a purely community-driven organization.

9. One grant per application

Applicants must be able to supply a recommendation and/or reference letter from any of the following: Reputable NGO operating within the locality or Traditional Leader or Ministry of Community Development and Social Welfare

Application Process

The following documents must be filled in according to the given instructions in /within the documents.

1. Community Action grant application form
2. Community Action grant concept note

3. Budget

Note: To apply, kindly download the Community Action grant application form and Community Grant concept note. The budget for the Community Action Grant is on the application form. Use this link to download the forms:  Filled in applications should be emailed to the appropriate email address:

4.      Social Movement Grant

ActionAid Zambia is requesting for proposals / Concept Notes from interested and eligible Movements. This call is under Social Movement Grant provides funding to Movements that aim to undertake interventions relating to any of the three objectives:

  • To enhance Civic Participation, Accountability, and Inclusive Democracy by the year 2028.
  • To advocate for protection of women’s rights and young people in the extractive industry, by promoting effective and inclusive citizen participation in natural resource governance and climate justice by the year 2028.
  • To advocate for Sexual Reproductive Health Rights (SRHR) for adolescents, women, and marginalized people by the year 2028

Grant Amount: K100,000.00 minimum and K150,000 Maximum

Duration:  Minimum three (3) months Maximum one (1) year

Geographical Scope:

The project should be implemented in any of the following provinces: Eastern, Southern, Muchinga, North-Western and Western Provinces. Lusaka and Copperbelt will be targeted to complement existing interventions.

Eligibility Criteria

The Social Movements that meet the criteria below are eligible to apply for this grant.

  • Shared Vision and Purpose: The Movement should have a clearly defined vision, mission, and purpose that resonate with its members and address a specific social issue or challenge aligned to the Project Goal.
  • Grassroots Support: The Movement should have a broad base of support from individuals and communities directly affected by the social issue. It should demonstrate the ability to mobilize and engage a significant number of people who are passionate about the cause.
  • Organizational Structure: Although not legally registered, the movement should have some form of organizational structure, even if informal, that enables effective coordination, communication, and decision-making among its members.
  • Nonviolent and Peaceful Approach: The Movement should adhere to nonviolent and peaceful methods of advocacy and protest, promoting dialogue, cooperation, and respect for human rights and the rule of law.
  • Inclusivity and Diversity: The Movement should strive to be inclusive, welcoming people from diverse backgrounds, including different genders, ages, ethnicities, religions, and socio-economic groups. It should ensure the participation of marginalized and vulnerable populations.
  • Grassroots Leadership: The Movement should be driven by grassroots leadership, giving voice and decision-making power to the affected communities. Leaders should emerge from within the movement, reflecting the diversity of its members.
  • Public Awareness and Engagement: The Movement should demonstrate a commitment to raising public awareness about the social issue, effectively communicating its goals and messages to a wider audience. It should actively engage with the public, media, and other stakeholders to create dialogue and generate support.
  • Sustained Activism: The Movement should have a track record of sustained activism, demonstrating long-term commitment to the cause. This can be evidenced through a history of campaigns, protests, advocacy efforts, and grassroots initiatives aimed at addressing the social issue.
  • Impact and Achievements: The Movement should be able to demonstrate tangible impact and achievements in advancing its goals and objectives. This can include policy changes, social transformations, increased public awareness, or improvements in the lives of affected individuals or communities.
  • Transparency and Accountability: The Movement should exhibit transparency in its operations and decision-making processes, ensuring accountability to its members and the public.
    Application Process

The following documents must be filled in according to the given instructions in /within the documents.

1. Social Movement Action grant application form.

2. Social Movement grant concept note

3. Budget

Note: To apply, kindly download the Social Movement grant application form and Social Movement Grant concept note. The budget for the social movement is on the application form. Use this link to download the forms.

Filled in applications should be emailed to the appropriate email address:

Information sessions

Action Aid Zambia will hold information sessions to answer questions or offer clarifications concerning the application process. The table below shows the information session schedules.


Western, Eastern and Muchinga

District and Venue

Mongu, Country Lodge

Chipata, Eastern Comfort Lodge

Mpika, Northern Rock Lodge

Date and Time

22 July 2024 from 10:00hrs – 12:000hrs



Western and Copperbelt

District and Venue

Sesheke, Free Heart Lodge

Kitwe, PAMO Hotel

Date and Time

23 July 2024 from 10:00hrs – 12:000hrs (Sesheke)

23 July 2024 from 14:00hrs – 16:00hrs (Kitwe)



Northwestern and Southern

District and Venue

Solwezi, Crossroads Lodge

Choma, Kozo Lodge

Date and Time

24 July 2024 from 14:00hrs – 16:000hrs




District and Venue

Lusaka, Golden Peacock Hotel

Date and Time

26 July 2024 from 10:00hrs – 12:000hrs


Deadline for submitting proposals for all grants is 16th August 2024, at 14:00hrs. Late submissions will not be considered.

For inquiries, please contact us at the following numbers during business hours, from 08:00 to 17:00:

  • Zamtel: +260 750 471 439
  • Airtel: +260 773 959 948
Job Info
Job Category: Tenders in Zambia
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: Friday, August 02 2024
Duty Station: Lusaka
Posted: 19-07-2024
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 19-07-2024
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 19-07-2066
Apply Now
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