Tiko is an organization that uses its digital platform to motivate young people to make positive choices. Its program in Zambia leverages the Tiko platform to help young people aged 10–24 access sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services. The platform connects them with service providers and employs various behavioural interventions to encourage and reinforce positive healthcare-seeking behaviours.
The program aims to improve SRH outcomes while empowering young people to make informed decisions about their sexual health. Tiko’s approach involves supporting an ecosystem of actors who inform, support, and encourage young people to seek SRH services. This ecosystem fosters positive feedback loops, enabling young people to access information and make informed choices about their health. Tiko operates in Kenya, Uganda, Ethiopia, Burkina Faso, South Africa, Nigeria, and Zambia.
Tiko seeks a consultant to conduct Client Exit Interview surveys (CEIs) at Tiko-supported public health facilities, private clinics, and pharmacies in Lusaka in Zambia. These exercises will help Tiko monitor and evaluate the quality of services provided at these facilities. Additionally, the CEIs will provide insights into Tiko clients’ well-being using the Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) approach.
The consultant will conduct routine (quarterly) Tiko-designed CEIs at selected facilities within Tiko’s operational ecosystems in Lusaka. Responsibilities will include data collection, analysis, and reporting of the client exit interviews.
Objectives of the CEIs
There are two main objectives of the client exit interviews (CEIs):
Research Questions
The CEIs will aim to answer the following research questions:
Survey Approach & Methodology
A quantitative methodological approach will be used to conduct exit interviews at selected Tiko-supported facilities, including private clinics, pharmacies, and public health facilities. The target respondents are adolescents and young people aged 10–24 years in Zambia.
These surveys will be conducted quarterly, with the first round scheduled for the second quarter of 2025. The estimated sample size per quarter is 150 interviews. Tiko will provide a sampling strategy to be followed.
Activity 1: Inception report
Time frame: Once – First Quarter
Deliverable: Inception report in .ppt slide deck detailing 1. The study field team 2. Study work plan including training, pilot, data collection, analysis, reporting, and dissemination 3. Research ethics and safeguarding 4. Timelines.
Activity 2: Questionnaire scripting
Time frame: Once – First Quarter
Deliverable: Questionnaire scripted on Survey CTO
**Activity 3:**Data collection
Time frame: Quarterly
Deliverable: Compiled raw data for internal checks and validation
**Activity 4:**Field operations report
Time frame :Quarterly
Deliverable: A detailed field report following completion of data collection. The report will contain quality control measures taken, percentage sample reached, and any other field observations that may affect findings or areas of risk needing Tiko’s attention
Activity 5: Survey reports. The reports must be insightful to assist in program improvements and risk management.
Time frame: Quarterly
Deliverable: Detailed report with analysis supporting the findings and conclusions in the report.
**Activity 6:**Final cleaned data set in spss/stata or .csv where appropriate and syntax/do-files.
Time frame: Quarterly
Deliverable: Final cleaned data set in spss/stata or .csv where appropriate and syntax/do-files
We are seeking a consultant or team with the following skills and qualifications:
Evaluation Criteria
Proposals will be evaluated in two parts. The experience and technical proposal shall receive 70% of the total marks, while the references and financial capacity shall receive 30% of the total marks.
Experience, Skills and Ability(Weight 30)
Technical Approach and Execution Plan (Weight 40)
Financial quotation (Weight 20)
References (Weight 10)
Firms and individuals are invited to submit proposals for this engagement. Proposals should include the contents below and not exceed a maximum length of 10 pages, excluding annexures (budget and summary profiles of proposed personnel).
The submission must be clear, concise, and complete. Applicants should submit only the information necessary to respond effectively to this proposal request. Unless specifically requested, extraneous presentation materials are neither necessary nor desired.
Applications/submissions are requested to submit their tender/application documents (technical & financial) proposals to Tiko via procurement@tikoafrica.org by the end of 13 March 2025
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