Rural Electrification Authority
Rural Electrification Authority
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Rural Electrification and Renewable Energy Corporation (REREC)

Following the enactment of the Energy Act 2019, Rural Electrification Authority (REA) has now changed to Rural Electrification and Renewable Energy Corporation (REREC). REREC has an expanded mandate of spearheading Kenya’s green energy drive, in addition to implementing rural electrification projects.


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Our driving force, our mission since our inception has been “To provide sustainable energy solutions for all through rural electrification and renewable energy for social economic transformation.”

Our guiding force that helps us see every project to completion is our vision of creating “A green energy-driven nation.”

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Core Values

  1. Customer focus:  We will continuously endeavor to understand and take care of our customer’s specified needs and expectations by providing services that effectively address them.
  2. Team Work: Our staff shall work together, communicate openly and respect each other.
  3. Fulfillment: We shall provide an enabling environment that fosters talent development and provides delight in work.
  4. Quality and Excellence: – We shall set and achieve high standards in everything we do while ensuring safety first.
  5. Integrity: The Corporation is committed to doing the right thing.
  6. Transparency and Accountability: The Corporation shall consistently disclose its actions and remain responsible.
  7. Environment consciousness: We shall be conscious about environmental and social sustainability issues in its operations. 
  8. Professionalism: we shall perform our duties in a professional manner and always seek to continuously improve as required by the respective professional standards.
  9. Innovation: We shall adopt new ideas, more-effective devices or processes to attain better solutions that meet new requirements and unarticulated needs through more-effective products, processes, services, technologies, or business models that are readily available.


REREC is committed to provide quality and Sustainable Energy Solutions to all through Rural Electrification and Renewable Energy solutions for social economic transformation by ensuring;

  • Conformance with requirements of ISO 9001: 2015 quality management system.
  • Compliance with statutory and regulatory requirements applicable to the Corporation;
  • That our customers' needs are determined, assessed, understood and considered;
  • Setting and regular review of the Quality Objectives at the functional areas;
  • Continual improvement of our Quality Management System;
  • and, Communication and adherence to this Quality Policy.


Rural Electrification and Renewable Energy Corporation (REREC)

Ours service charter is meant to enhance levels of awareness amongst our stakeholders in regards to the Corporation’s mandate and the standards set for service delivery.

Click the link below to find our service charter in video form. The Service Charter highlights our services, requirements, charges and the duration of service delivery.

Company Information
Contact Name:
Contact Email:
Contact Phone: 0709193000
Contact Fax:
Since : 01-01-1970
Company Size:
Address1: P. O. Box 34585 – 00100 Nairobi