Multiple Positions job at Water Resources Management Authority
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Vacancy title:
Multiple Positions

[ Type: FULL TIME , Industry: Human Services , Category: Management ]

Jobs at:

Water Resources Management Authority

Deadline of this Job:
Thursday, August 08 2024 

Duty Station:
Within Zambia , Lusaka, South - Central Africa

Date Posted: Thursday, July 25 2024, Base Salary: Not Disclosed

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Learn more about Water Resources Management Authority
Water Resources Management Authority jobs in Zambia

The Water Resources Management Authority (WARMA) was established in 2012 under the Water Resources Management Act No. 21 of 2011. One of its main functions is to manage and regulate the use of Zambia’s water resources in an integrated, participatory and sustainable manner taking into consideration the human, land, environmental and socio-economic factors. In order to effectively implement its functions, the Authority wishes to recruit suitably qualified, self- motivated and experienced persons for the following positions:-

Department: Human Capital and Administration
Reports To: Director General
Location: Headquarters – Lusaka

a) Five (5) O-Levels with credit and above in Mathematics and English;
b) Bachelor’s degree in Human Resource Management, Public Administration, Industrial Psychology, Business Administration or related:
c) Master’s degree in Human Resources Management, Business Administration, Industrial Psychology or any relevant field;
d) Full Member of the Zambia Institute of Human Resources Management (ZIHRM):
e) At least ten (10) years of experience in Human Resources Management with at least five (5) at senior management level in a human capital / human resources position in a reputable institution: and
f) Must be a Zambian Citizen.

Other Requirements
a) Highly developed leadership and management skills:
b) Strategic/Business planning skills:
c) Good working knowledge of labour laws;
d) Communication skills:
e) Knowledge of business management; and
f) High analytical skills and exemplary work ethics.

Purpose of the Job:
This role is responsible for ensuring that the Water Resources Management Authority (WARMA) is adequately resourced with human resources (HR) that will deliver on the objectives of the Authority. It will be responsible for talent identification in the market, recruitment, development. compensation, retention and once the employer-employee relationship has come to an end. managing the separation processes with minimal risk to the Authority.

Main Duties and Accountabilities:
a) Develop and implement a comprehensive Human Capital management framework to foster a high-performing culture.
b) Ensure adherence to best human resource practices, policies and labour laws.
c) Develop the strategy for the Human Capital and Administration function in the Authority in line with the Strategic Plan to ensure optimization of staff utilization.
d) Develop and implement human capital guidelines, standards and policies:
e) Develop and implement institutional training plan based on clear strategies for staff training and development:
f) Develop human resources plans and systems to ensure timely provision of administrative and logistical support:
g) Facilitate the implementation of a robust Performance Management Plan at individual, departmental and institutional level.
h) Prepare annual departmental budgets and ensure that all Human Capital and Administration for efficient implementation of programmes.
i) Monitor Human Resource practices within the institution to ensure compliance with labour laws and reduce institutional exposure to risk.
i) Coordinate recruitment, selection and placement of staff in the Authority:
k) Work with the Authority Secretary in preparing Board Committee Papers relating to Human Capital matters.
l) Oversee the Monitoring & Evaluation Unit to ensure that the designing and development of logical frameworks and output, outcome and results-based monitoring systems are functional.
m) Oversee the Procurement Unit and ensure timely procurement of materials, equipment and services:
n) Oversee records management, information handling amongst staff and communication of information to staff within the organisation;
m) Perform any other duties that maybe delegated from time to time by the Director General

Department: Water Resources Management and Information
Reports To: Director General
Location: Headquarters – Lusaka

a) Five (5) O-Levels with credit and above in Mathematics and English;
b) Bachelor’s degree in Environmental, Natural Resources Management, Water Resources Engineering, Agricultural Engineering, or its equivalent from a recognized University.
c) Master’s degree in Environmental Engineering, Natural Resources Management, Water Resources Engineering, Agricultural Engineering, or its equivalent from a recognized University/Institution
d) Member of the Engineering Institution of Zambia (EIZ)
e) At least ten (10) years of experience with at least five (5) years at senior management level preferably in a technical water resources position in a reputable institution.
f) Must be a Zambian Citizen.

Other Requirements
a) Highly developed leadership and management skills:
b) Strategic/Business planning skills:
c) Knowledge of business management; and
d) High analytical skills and exemplary work ethics:
e) Good working knowledge of computers
f) Good working knowledge in hydrology and Water Resources in general.

Purpose of the Job:
The Director Operations is responsible for planning, developing, formulating and monitoring strategies and programs for Water Resources Management and in general compliance with the National Water Policy. Water Resources Management Act and approved Board policies to enhance water resources development.

Main Duties and Accountabilities:
a) Develop, implement and monitor programmes for continuous and comprehensive monitoring and assessment of water resources availability, suitability and vulnerability in order to ensure sustainable water resources management;
b) Develop procedures and guidelines for data collection and information on groundwater and surface water availability, and vulnerability for effective planning. and management:
c) Review and develop water quality standards and guidelines to enable compliance and water user satisfaction:
d) Prepare strategic plan for the directorate derived from the overall institutional strategic plan outlining what needs to be done annually to contribute to attainment the overall strategic objectives of the institution:
e) Develop standards and guidelines for the protection of water resources from pollution and over-exploitation
f) Oversee the timely preparation and dissemination of all required reports including comprehensive technical compliance and enforcement reports and those associated with national compliance requirements.
g) Lead the development of remedial action plans and monitor their implementation: h) Develop water permitting and licensing strategies for effective and efficient issuance, renewal, and revocation of water permits/licenses:
h) Prepare a comprehensive budget for the directorate so as to ensure timely execution of programmes:
i) Develop and implement programs for increasing water resource management awareness and knowledge of compliance policies.:
j). Manage assets, human and financial resources within the directorate.
k) Working with the Authority Secretary in preparing Board Committee Papers relating to water resources matters
l) Performs any other duties that may be delegated from time to time by the Director General.

Department: Water Resources Management and Information
Reports To: Senior Operations- Manager
Location: Kabwe

a) Five (5) O-Levels with Credit and above in Mathematics and English: b) Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Engineering, Natural Resources Management. Water Resources Engineering. Agricultural Engineering, or its equivalent from a recognized University/Institution:
c) Master’s degree in environmental engineering, Natural Resources Management, Water Resources Engineering. Agricultural Engineering, or its equivalent from al recognized University/institution.
d) Member of the Engineering Institution of Zambia (EIZ):
e) At least seven (7) years’ experience in water resources management, natural resources management, environment or conservation sector with at least four (4) years at senior management level in a reputable institution; and
f) Must be a Zambian Citizen.

Other Requirements
a) Highly developed leadership and management skills:
b) Strategic/Business planning skills;
c) Good computer skills:
d) Knowledge of business management:
e) High analytical skills and exemplary work ethics; and
f) Excellent communication and people skills.

Purpose of the Job:
The Catchment Manager is responsible for managing, overseeing and implementing water resources programs and activities in the Catchment. He or she is also responsible for administration of assets, human and financial resources at the Catchment level.

Main Duties and Accountabilities:
a) Contribute to the formulation, development and review of water resources management policies and strategies by estimating, forecasting, and anticipating requirements, trends, and variances as well as aligning resources accordingly.
b) Provide technical advice in water resources management to protect rivers, flora, fauna, land, people, culture and marine resources and help promote sustainable agriculture for the benefit of existing and future generations.
c) Manage, supervise, assign and be accountable for the work of subordinates at the catchment level.
d) Make recommendations pertaining to water resources management that will ensure the protection of groundwater and surface water resources from pollution and over- exploitation at the catchment level.
e) Provide technical support in the process of allocation of water permits at the catchment level.
f) Ensure the engagement and assistance of the Catchment Office to local community groups in the development, management and implementation of water and natural resources management projects in the Catchment.
g) Develop partnerships with the community and other stakeholders so as to render the delivery of practical technical advice to the community and management as well as negotiate for water permits with communities to meet water needs.
h) Identify and monitor water use, demand and quality for the Catchments.
i) Develop Catchment Water Resources Management Plans
i) Identify and develop new initiatives and prepare project proposals for the attention of the Catchment Council. Authority and identify possible funding sources.
k) Provide oversight on prudent water resources management information to multiple subordinates within the catchment departments and ensure that information is interpreted correctly.
l) Receive, review and recommend any water permit application for consideration by the institution in accordance with the Water Resources Management Act:
m) Resolve and facilitate amicable resolutions for possible water user conflict in the Catchment:
n) Prepare and submit comprehensive technical reports pertaining to water resources management and availability to the Senior Operations- Manager:
o) Prepare Annual Workplan and Budget for the Catchment:
p). Provide input in the Monitoring & Evaluation Unit at the Catchment level;
q) Facilitate the timely procurement of materials, equipment and services at the Catchment:
r) Oversee records management, information handling amongst staff and communication of information to staff within the Catchment.
s) Supervise the management of financial and human resources in the Catchment;
t) Performs any other duties that may be delegated from time to time

Department: Water Resources Management and Information Reports To: Senior Manager-Operations
Location: Headquarters – Lusaka

a) Five (5) O-Levels with Credit and above in Mathematics and English
b) Bachelor’s degree in Environment Engineering. Natural Resources Management, Water Resources Engineering. Agricultural Engineering. or its equivalent from a recognized
c) Master’s Degree in Water Engineering, Water Resources Management, Natural Resources Management. Hydrology, or related:
d) Additional legal qualification will be an added advantage:
e) Member of the Engineering Institution of Zambia (EZ):
f) Atleast seven (7) years’ experience in water resources management, natural resources management, environmental or conservation sector with atleast four (4) years at senior management level in a reputable institution; and
g) Must be a Zambian Citizen.

Other Requirements
a) Highly developed leadership and management skills:
b) Strategic/Business planning skills:
c) Good working knowledge of computers;
d) Knowledge of business management:
e) High analytical skills and exemplary work ethics; and
f) Excellent communication and interpersonal skills.

Purpose of the Job:
Provide leadership in the enforcement and regulation of both ground and surface water users and monitor compliance to ensure effective use of water by all water users in accordance with the Water Resources Management Act.

Main Duties and Accountabilities:
a) Develop systems for implementation of regulations and compliance with water resources management policies and strategies by estimating, forecasting and anticipating requirements, trends, and variances as well as aligning resources accordingly.
b) Develop regulatory and compliance strategies as well as implementation of plans. c) Develop standard processes to track permits related to the management of Water Resources
d) Prepare a comprehensive work plan and budget for the Unit for implementation of programmes.
e) Develop appropriate plans for reviewing of the impact of water resources management strategies, regulations and guidelines to determine impact on operating procedures.
f) Develop strategies for receipt and investigation of public complaints concerning water resources management in order to facilitate the implementation of appropriate interventions.
g) Prepare draft recommendations pertaining to regulations and compliance guidelines that will ensure the protection of both groundwater and surface resources from pollution and over-exploitation.
h) Provide technical support in the process of allocation of water permits both at the National and catchment levels.
i) Develop and update internal guidance documents and procedures for compliance and enforcement of water resources management regulation;
i) Develop and implement guidelines for the implementation of penalties against non- compliant water users:
k) Provide information to the Legal Department for the prosecution of non-compliant/ illegal water users:
l) Prepare and submit comprehensive technical compliance and enforcement reports to the Senior Operations – Manager on a quarterly basis; and
m) Perform any other duties that may be delegated from time to time

Department: Audit and Risk
Reports To: Director General/functionally to the Audit & Risk Committee
Location: Headquarters – Lusaka

a) Five (5) O-Levels with Credit and above in Mathematics and English:
b) Bachelor’s degree in Accounting. Finarice, Business Administration from a reputable University/institution of higher learning:
c) Full ACCA, CIMA or CA Zambia:
d) Master’s degree in Accounting, Risk Management, Finance, Economics, Business Administration or related:
e) A member of Zambia Institute of Charted Accountants (ZICA) and/or Institute of Internal Auditors Zambia (IIAZ):
f) Certifications in Risk and Internal Control Management will be an added advantage:
g) Atleast seven (7) years of relevant experience with at least four (4) years at senior management level in a reputable institution: and
h) Must be a Zambian Citizen.

Other Requirements
a) Highly developed leadership and management skills;
b) Good computer skills;
c) Experience in Financial Modelling:
d) In-depth understanding of internal Auditing systems and Procedures:
e) Good Interpersonal and negotiating skills:
f) High analytical skills / Business acumen and exemplary work ethics; and
g) Excellent communication and interpersonal skills.

Purpose of the Job:
To manage internal audit operations in order to safeguard Authority resources. Particularly, to plan and conduct Internal Audits with a view to highlighting departures from prescribed controls, policies and procedures and to safeguard the Authority’s financial resources and other assets.

Main Duties and Accountabilities:
a) Oversee the formulation and implementation of the Internal audit policy guidelines of the Authority in line with international standards and practices.
b) Develop and manage the effective implementation of Internal Audit and Risk policies and guidelines in order to foster adherence to set standards.
c) Manage the effective maintenance of a database of internal audit and risk reports to facilitate tracking of audit recommendations for informed decision making.
d) Manage timely consolidation of monthly, quarterly and annual audit and risk reports in order to support informed decision making.
e) Manages the development and implementation of audit and risk strategies and initiatives in order to reduce the impact of possible risk.
f) Provide senior management and the Board of Directors with an opinion on the adequacy. effectiveness and efficiency of the internal controls in the organization.
g) Prepares and keeps reviewing the standard audit procedures manual for guiding Internal Audit staff in the conduct of audit assignments.
h) Prepare the annual audit plan: involving the assignment of risk factors to auditable units and then the preparation of a risk matrix in the audit and risk plan.
i) Review draft audit reports and audit working papers prepared by audit staff after completion of audit field work.
i) Determine the audit and the risk strategy of the Authority:
k) Prepare quarterly risk reports and risk register for presentation to Management and the Board;
1) Identifies and recommends audit controls and risk systems for implementation:
m) Oversees the preparation of audit reports and audit working papers for presentation to Management and the Board.
n) Carry out assignments of an investigative nature when called upon and provide advice on the management of risk, collaboration with other departments
o) Prepare financial requirements and annual budget for the unit
p) Perform any other duties that may be delegated from time to time.

Department: Human Capital and Administration
Reports To: Manager – Human Capital and Administration
Location: Headquarters – Lusaka

a) Five (5) O-Levels with Credit and above in Mathematics and English:
b) Bachelor of Arts in Library and Information Studies, Records Management or equivalent c) Atleast four (4) years of experience in a similar role
d) Must be a Zambian Citizen

Other Requirements
a) Good computer skills
b) Excellent communication and interpersonal skills
c) High levels of professionalism and confidentiality
d) High levels of Integrity, Reliability, Honesty and Hardworking

Purpose of the Job:
Coordinate effective management of both paper and electronic records, ensuring compliance with legal, regulatory, and organizational requirements.

Main Duties and Accountabilities:
a) Develop and implement a records management system in collaboration with the systems analyst:
b) Facilitate the development of filing systems and maintain them to meet administrative, legal and financial requirements.
c) Developing, implementing, and maintaining records management policies and procedures.
d) Classifying, categorizing, and indexing records for easy retrieval and access.
e) Administering and Managing physical and digital storage solutions for records, ensuring security, integrity, and accessibility.
f) Developing and implementing retention schedules, ensuring timely disposal of obsolete records.
g) Ensuring adherence to legal, regulatory, and industry standards for records management.
h) Coordinating responses to requests for records, ensuring timely and accurate provision of information.
i) Maintaining an up-to-date inventory of records, including location, format, and status. i) Providing guidance and training to staff on records management best practices.
k) Identifying and mitigating risks associated with records management, such as data breaches or non-compliance.
l) Manage the circulation of all confidential mails and files to auctioning officers to avoid delays and leakages.
m) Manage the preparation of an inventory of files in order to facilitate accountability
n) Supervises effectively the securing of records in order to prevent unauthorised access and distraction.
o) Prepare reports pertaining to the operation of the unit on a regular basis.

Department: Human Capital and Administration
Reports To: Procurement Officer
Location: Headquarters Lusaka

a) Five (5) O-Levels with Credit and above in Mathematics and English
b) Diploma in Purchasing and Supply or in a related field such as Supply Chain Management:
c) Member of the Zambia Institute of Purchasing and Supply (ZIPS);
d) Atleast three (3) years relevant work experience in a similar role; and
e) Must be a Zambian Citizen.

Other Requirements
a) Computer literacy and excellent knowledge of handling on-line procurement:
b) Good communication and interpersonal skills:
c) Excellent working knowledge of Public Procurement:
d) In-depth understanding of Zambia Public Procurement Authority Act (ZPPA):
e) High levels of Integrity, Reliability, Honesty and Hardworking:

Purpose of the Job
To provide efficient management of the Authority’s inventory, stores, supplies and ensure that it is carried out in a safe, efficient and cost-effective manner.

Main Duties and Accountabilities
a) Overseeing the receipt, storage, and issuance of goods, materials, and supplies.
b) Maintain accurate inventory levels, tracking stock movements, and optimizing storage capacity.
c) Assist in the procurement process, including requisitioning, purchasing, and receiving goods.
d) Conduct regular stocktakes and cycle counts to ensure inventory accuracy and identifying discrepancies.
e) Liaise with suppliers, logistics providers, and other stakeholders to ensure timely delivery of goods.
f) Maintain accurate records of institutional assets, including maintenance and disposal.
g) Ensure adherence to organizational policies, procedures, and legal requirements related to inventory management.
h) Provide insights and recommendations to management on inventory optimization, stock levels, and supply chain efficiency.
i) Assist in the coding and bidding of all received materials to ensure easy identification and accessibility.
j) Keep records of all received and issued (materials on direct use) items for reference purposes.
k) Update store records accordingly and preparing stock-taking on a quarterly basis.
l) Perform any other duties as delegated by superiors.

Education Requirement: No Requirements

Job Experience: No Requirements

Work Hours: 8

Experience in Months:

Level of Education:

Job application procedure
• The Director General
Water Resources Management Authority
Plot No LN-385-7 & 385-8, Alick Nkhata Road
Po Box 51059

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Job Info
Job Category: Several Jobs in one Advert jobs in Zambia
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: Thursday, August 08 2024
Duty Station: Lusaka
Posted: 25-07-2024
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 25-07-2024
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 25-07-2066
Apply Now

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