Request for Technical and Financial Proposals RFP / Tendering job at The Nature Conservancy
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For a Joint Assignment to
“Develop a knowledge management system for the Ecosystem conservation and community livelihood enhancement in North-Western Zambia Project”

“To facilitate integration of community forest management in curricula of specific tertiary institutions, for the ecosystem conservation (GEF VII) project”


1.0 Introduction/brief background about the Project (abridged from the Project document)
The Government of the Republic of Zambia has received funds from the Global Environmental Facility (GEF) through the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) to implement the Ecosystem Conservation and Community Livelihood Enhancement Project (The Project) in North-Western Zambia. The project being executed by the Ministry of Green Economy and Environment (MGEE) and The Nature Conservancy (TNC) is aimed at addressing the drivers of deforestation, forest degradation and barriers to sustainable agriculture and management of forests and other natural resources. The Project objective is to strengthen community-based sustainable management of forest landscapes and provide improved livelihood opportunities for targeted forest-dependent rural communities in Zambia’s North-West Province.

The Project is being implemented through three Components
Component 1: Developing the enabling regulatory and planning frameworks for community-based, sustainable forest management
Component 2: Promoting the conservation and sustainable use of natural resources in community-managed forests
Component 3: Enhancing the sustainability and productivity of agricultural practices in community-managed forests

1.1 Background
The Project is being implemented in 3 districts namely Mwinilunga, Kalumbila and Kasempa and in each District there is one identified Project Site with the overall vision of securing the communal forests and other natural resources as well as the biodiverse landscape in which local communities participate meaningfully in, and benefit equitably from, the long-term conservation and sustainable utilization of natural resources. To realize this vision, the project’s approach follows a holistic approach to conservation and community development, addressing the underlying conditions driving ecosystem degradation, and mitigating the key direct threats to natural resources and community livelihoods.
The Mwinilunga District site whose CFM area focuses on the north central portion of the West Lunga Complex. The West Lunga Complex includes West Lunga National Park, Musele Matebo GMA, Chibwika Ntambu GMA and Lukwakwa GMA and adjoining communal areas. The actual project site focuses on the 50,000-ha area provisionally defined as the Ntambu Community Forest Management Area (CFMA) that is part of the 147,000 ha Chibwika Ntambu Game Management Area (GMA). The Ntambu CFMA further incorporates another 107,000 hectares of communal lands under customary administration overlapping the Chibwika Ntambu GMA bordered by Kayonge Village on the far North and Muzhimbezhi to the South. The area is of very high biodiversity value, dominated by the pristine Brachystegia woodland (Miombo) and vast tracts of Mavunda dry evergreen forests, interspersed with large grass plains and seasonally flooded dambos. The West Lunga and Kabompo Rivers form the east, west and southern boundaries of the West Lunga National Park and the Shinene and Wisaki Rivers make up the northern boundary
In Kasempa District, the project site is part of the Greater Kafue Ecosystem comprising the Kafue National Park and its surrounding GMAs. The project focuses on the Kelongwa Makaba, a newly established CFMA adjacent to the East Lunga National Forest and connected to Kafue National Park through the Lunga Luswishi GMA. The area is approximately 52,000 ha in extent. Kelongwa Makaba is dominated by Miombo woodland and has good species diversity. There are also tracts of riverine forest along the banks of the Lunga River which forms the eastern boundary of the CFMA.
In Kalumbila District, the project site is under the communal lands in Senior Chief Mukumbi’s area. The Kamikolo CFMA, currently under development lies to the northeast of Kalumbila town and is approximately 65,000 ha in extent. Although the forest is relatively undisturbed for now, it is in an area with major influx of migrants attracted by the economic prospects that the mines bring with them.

2.0 Objective and working concept of the consultancy services /assignment
Zambia has an exceptionally rich history of pilot projects for community-management/co-management of forests and other natural resources, but documentation on lessons learned and best practices are hard to come by. This leads to inefficiencies in project design and a tendency to keep reinventing the wheel. There are only minimal capacities for knowledge management in Forestry Department and CFM has not been integrated into forestry curricula at Copperbelt University or at Zambia Forestry Technical College.
This consultancy is focused on developing a knowledge management (KM) system to support gender-sensitive community management of forests and natural resources and facilitate the development/updating and integration of CFM into the University/Technical College curricula.

2.1 Scope of work
The sub grantee will be responsible for developing a KM system that will facilitate the identification, synthesis, and dissemination of lessons learned and best practices in gender-sensitive CFM and provide technical support to selected institutions to integrate CFM into their natural resource management courses.

The sub grantee will undertake the following activities:
2.1.1 Developing a Knowledge Management System

1. Conduct Three Participatory KM Reviews: The sub grantee will conduct three participatory KM reviews to identify, synthesize, and disseminate lessons learned and best practices, and to identify knowledge gaps that need to be filled. The KM reviews will be funded through a grant to one of the universities offering courses in natural resources management. The grantee will undertake the following:
a. An initial KM review at start-up with a desk study and field visits to further capture lessons learned from past and ongoing CFM initiatives, especially the non-GEF initiatives that are not well documented.
b. Two reviews just before the MTR and TE will concentrate primarily on the two GEF-7 projects (other CFM initiatives will be invited to participate at their own cost). The reviews will also identify regulatory barriers to CFM that can inform the review and revision of the 2018 statutory instrument to the Forests Act under Output 1.5.
2. Develop a Knowledge Management Strategy and plan (based on findings from initial KM review): the purpose of the knowledge management strategy and plan will be to outline how the project will manage and leverage its knowledge assets to achieve its objectives. The strategy and plan will outline processes for identifying, capturing, organizing, sharing, and using knowledge within the organization and also indicators to track progress annually
3. Establish an Internet CFM KM Discussion Group. The implementing units of the two projects will participate actively.
4. Prepare and disseminate a Quarterly/Semi-annual KM newsletter
5. Capacity Building: The sub grantee will provide capacity building support to community members, implementing partners, and policy makers on the use of the KM system. The capacity building support will be tailored to the specific needs of each stakeholder group, and will include training, workshops, and user manuals. Specific Tasks
1. Develop a methodology for conducting the three KM reviews, including data collection tools and sampling strategies.
2. Conduct the initial KM review, which will include a desk study and field visits to capture lessons learned from past and ongoing CFM initiatives
3. Conduct two reviews just before the MTR and TE of the two GEF-7 projects (Ecosystem Conservation Project and the FAO/GEF Forest and Agriculture Mosaic Landscapes Project – should they prefer to engage the same sub grantee)
4. Synthesize the findings from the three reviews and identify best practices and lessons learned.
5. Prepare and disseminate a semi-annual KM newsletter and establish an Internet CFM KM Discussion Group. The implementing units of the two GEF-7 projects will participate actively
6. Develop a KM strategy that outlines the approach, methodologies, tools, and techniques for capturing, storing, sharing, and disseminating knowledge.
7. Develop a KM plan that provides a roadmap for the implementation of the KM strategy, including roles and responsibilities, timelines, and resource requirements.
8. Develop a KM framework that defines the knowledge domains, knowledge types, knowledge sources, and knowledge flows.
9. Train community members, implementing partners, and policy makers on the use of the KM system Deliverables:
Based on the scope of work provided, the following are the deliverables and payment schedule for the Knowledge Management sub award:
1. Inception Report: The inception report will detail the methodology for conducting the assignment, including data collection tools and sampling strategies, and a work plan.
2. Reports on Three Participatory KM Reviews: (at start, just before mid-term review and at project end) The sub awardee will conduct three participatory KM reviews, and the reports will detail the findings from the reviews, including best practices, lessons learned, and knowledge gaps that need to be filled. The reports will also identify regulatory barriers to CFM that can inform the review and revision of the 2018 statutory instrument to the Forests Act under Output 1.5.
3. Knowledge Management Strategy and Plan: The KM plan will outline how the project will manage and leverage its knowledge assets to achieve its objectives. The plan will detail strategies and processes for identifying, capturing, organizing, sharing, and using knowledge within the organization and also indicators to track progress annually.

4. Internet CFM KM Discussion Group: The consultancy will establish an internet-based CFM KM discussion group and ensure that the implementing units of the two GEF-7 projects participate actively.
5. Quarterly KM Newsletter: The consultancy will prepare and disseminate a quarterly KM newsletter up to Project Close in June 2026.
6. Capacity Building: The sub awardee will provide capacity building support to community members, implementing partners, and policy makers on the use of the KM system. The capacity building support will be tailored to the specific needs of each stakeholder group, and will include training, workshops, and user manuals.
7. Consolidated Final Report: The sub awardee will prepare a consolidated final report on the entire consultancy, including best practices and lessons learned and recommendations for filling knowledge gaps. Deliverables and Payment Schedule for the KM Review
1. Deliverables
2. Due Date

Percentage (%) of Total Lump-sum of Contract Price

1 Inception report
Two (2) weeks after commencement of the assignment

2 Report on initial KM review and Knowledge Management Strategy/Plan
Six (6) weeks after commencement of the assignment

3 Capacity building report
Ten (10) weeks after commencement of the assignment

4 Second Knowledge management Review
Three weeks following end of Mid Term Review (due December 2023)

5 Third KM review report and Final report
Three weeks following end term review)
10 Qualifications and Experience for KM Sub awardee
An academic institution with experience and greatest capacity in developing knowledge management systems in the environment and natural resources sector.

The sub awardee must possess the following qualifications:
1. Advanced degree in natural resource management, environmental science, or a related field.
2. At least 7 years of experience in knowledge management, monitoring and evaluation, or a related field.
3. Experience working on conservation and community development projects in Zambia, with a particular focus on community forest management
4. Experience conducting participatory evaluations and assessments, including facilitating participatory processes and conducting focus group discussions.
5. Knowledge of and experience with CFM initiatives in Zambia is highly desirable.
6. Excellent analytical and writing skills.
7. Strong communication and interpersonal skills.
8. Fluency in English, both oral and written. Duration of the KM sub award

The works are spread over a period up to the project end in February 2026. The estimated dates for completion of the assignments are broken down in Table

2.1.2 CFM Curriculum Review and Integration
The contractor will undertake the following activities:
1. Review the existing curriculum on natural resources management related programs from selected tertiary institutions (Colleges and Universities) and identify any gaps related to integration of community forest management in the training course, outdated content, or areas that require improvement
2. Conduct a desk review to identify current best practices and trends in community forest management education
3. Review curriculum’s (in 1 above) in alignment with national policies, strategies, and legislation relevant to community forest management
4. Work with the identified institutions to identify the most appropriate CFM courses and prepare and make available the CFM Courses to at least 2 Universities and 1 Technical College
5. Undertake an orientation meeting/workshop to academic staff on the integration of CFM materials into their courses.
6. Develop a report that includes recommendation for improving the curriculum and ensuring its relevance to the local community and industry
7. Propose relevant pedagogical approaches, tools, and methods to be adopted in teaching Deliverables
1. A detailed report specifying how the task will be undertaken, outlining the review process and recommendation for improving CFM curriculum with a clear workplan and budget presented to the PIU
2. A revised or developed curriculum that reflects the recommendation and aligns with the best practices and current trends in community forest management and CFM training course that includes a comprehensive list of recommended pedagogical approaches, tools and methods to be adopted in CFM teaching
3. A Stakeholder validation meeting of the draft curriculum and products under 3 above.
4. A final report on the consultancy activities and outcomes including recommendations for future activities Time and Payment Schedule for Deliverables
Table 1: Time and Payment Schedule for deliverables

Due Date

Percentage (%) of Total Lump-sum of Contract Price
1 An initial report as in 3.1 and detailed workplan and budget for undertaking the activity
Two (2) weeks after commencement of the assignment

2.A draft curriculum that reflects the recommendation and aligns with the best practices and current trends in community forest management
Six (6) weeks after commencement of the assignment

3 Stakeholder validation meeting of the draft curriculum
1. Ten (10) weeks after commencement of the assignment

4 Final curriculum with the CFM training Course as at 3.2 and 3.3 and final report as at 3.4
Twelve (12) weeks after commencement of the assignment
15 Qualifications and Experience
A tertiary institute offering NRM courses or a firm or consortium comprising a multidisciplinary team that is associated with a tertiary institute that offers NRM courses with experience and familiarity in curriculum development.

The sub awardee must possess the following qualifications:

1. Must be tertiary institute offering NRM courses or a consortium
2. Team leader with At least a PHD or advanced Master’s degree in natural resource management, forestry, or a related field.
3. Demonstrable experience in developing and delivering training on natural resource management and forestry.
4. Not less than 10 years’ Experience in curriculum development and integration of new materials into existing curricula.
5. Familiarity with the Zambian education system and natural resource management policies.
6. Strong communication and interpersonal skills. Duration of the Consultancy
The estimated duration of the consultancy is 60 working days spread over a period of 90 days. The Consultant will present the break down for submission of the indicated deliverables in the inception report for agreement.

3.0 Supervision and Reporting
The Sub awardee will be accountable to the Project Manager (PM) for the Ecosystem Conservation and Community Livelihood Enhancement Project. The PM will be responsible for providing day to day guidance to the assignment through the Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist and the Natural Resources Management Specialist based in Kalumbila. The channel of communication between the Consultant and the Project will be through the PM who will be responsible for communicating reports to all concerned key implementing stakeholders.

Submission of Proposal:
Vendor will send its response to this RFP via email
Email: “” copying in, and
Email subject heading: Ecosystem Conservation and Community Livelihood Enhancement GEF 7 Project – Developing a knowledge management system and facilitating integration of community forest management in curricular in Tertiary institution.

Cover letters should be addressed to the following address:
The Nature Conservancy (TNC)
Attention: GEF 7 Project Manager (Ethel S. Mudenda)
Plot 377A Martin Luther King Road,
Lusaka, Zambia
Phone: +260 965713936
1.5.2 Critical Dates

Questions Regarding the RFP
1. Vendor will submit questions to Customer by close of business on: Monday 29th May 2023.
2. Customer will use its best efforts to answer questions by; Monday 5th June 2023.

Answers may be shared by e-mail with all Vendors. Vendor understands and agrees that it has a duty to inquire about and clarify any RFP questions that the Vendor does not fully understand or believes may be interpreted in more than one way. Customer, however, is not required to answer all questions that are not pertinent to the RFP or are considered to be Customer’s proprietary information.

Proposal Due Date
Proposals shall be sent by email to The Nature Conservancy on or before 17:00 HRS on Friday 16th June, 2023
Vendors will be informed by email of the outcome of the evaluation not later than Monday 26th June 2023.

To apply for this job email your details to
Job Info
Job Category: Tenders in Zambia
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: June 16, 2023
Duty Station: lusaka
Posted: 24-05-2023
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 24-05-2023
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 17-05-2044
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