Strategy Progress Review and Baseline Survey Data Analysis and Report Writing of the Strategic Plan of WWF Zambia Country Office job at WWF Zambia
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Vacancy title:
Strategy Progress Review and Baseline Survey Data Analysis and Report Writing of the Strategic Plan of WWF Zambia Country Office

[ Type: FULL TIME , Industry: Nonprofit, and NGO , Category: Management ]

Jobs at:

WWF Zambia

Deadline of this Job:
Monday, May 22 2023 

Duty Station:
Within Zambia , Zambia, South - Central Africa

Date Posted: Wednesday, May 17 2023, Base Salary: Not Disclosed

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WWF Zambia jobs in Zambia


World Wide Fund for Nature Zambia (WWF Zambia) is seeking a competent consultant to carry out data analysis and report writing for two distinct streams of assessments: 1) Strategy Progress Review (Mid-Term Review) and 2) WWF Zambia baseline. As a result, these Terms of Reference specify the requirements for the aforementioned consultancy.
World Wide Fund for Nature Zambia (WWF Zambia) is part of WWF International, the world’s leading independent conservation organization with a global network in over 100 countries. Our mission is to stop the degradation of the planet’s natural environment and to build a future in which people live in harmony with nature, for the benefit of both people and nature. The organization has been working in Zambia since 1962; focusing on wildlife, forests, freshwater as well as People and livelihoods.
In order to meet its desired conservation targets, WWF Zambia has been forging strategic and implementation partnerships with the Government of Zambia. Besides partnering with government at various levels, WWF Zambia also partners and collaborates with other stakeholders including communities, traditional leaders, institutions of higher learning, researchers and research institutions, community based organizations, civil society organizations as well as other WWF network organizations.

2.1: Strategy Progress Review
As part of the implementation process and adaptive management, WWF International has commissioned the strategy ‘Mid Term Review’ for African and Asian Country Offices. The MTR is meant to facilitate the reflection process within the country offices, on the progress made so far and review again the context and initial assumptions and draw lessons to adjust as necessary to ensure the strategies remain relevant. Continuous reflection and adaptive management are critical steps towards delivering conservation impact.
This Mid-Term Review (MTR) is a critical step in assessing the progress and effectiveness of WWF International Country Offices (COs) strategies. The purpose of this reflection is to provide an objective and unbiased assessment of the strategies performance, identify any challenges or issues that have arisen, draw key conclusions from current status and make recommendations for improvement. The reflection will serve as a basis for making decisions about the continuation or modification of the strategies in the future
It is from this background that WWF Zambia will be conducting a participatory ‘strategy progress review’. The process will build on already existing WWF Zambia review systems such as the Six -month review and planning processes. To a larger extent, the review process will endeavor to conform to the WWF International methodological approach.

2.2: Objectives of the Strategy Progress Review
The Strategy Progress Review (SPR) will focus on evaluating the implementation progress of the strategy at the country level. The objective is to compare the strategy achievements to baseline values, as a measure of success, and take stock of lessons learned, to inform the remaining part of the strategy implementation. In addition, the SPR will evaluate the readiness of the functions, systems and tools at the country office, to measure and monitor the strategy progress effectively. The learnings will inform the COM impact reporting FY 23-25 plan for impact measurement. More specifically, the objectives of phase 1 are to:
1. To evaluate Strategic Plan implementation against first-year and end-of-CSP outcomes.
2. To identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats, and constraints of conservation program implementation and delivery.
3. To draw lessons in order to reorient the actions and interventions that can ultimately enhance the impact of programs (Conservation strategy, Partnership strategy, and Business Plan) for the remainder of the plan’s duration.
4. To develop and incorporate the recommendations and proposals into the proposed CSP updates as a means of enhancing the implementation of programs.
5. Provide recommendations for narrowing the strategy’s focus to fewer priorities so that ZCO can deliver impactful conservation initiatives in Zambia.
6. Provide guidance on the CSP delivery model with the objective of enhancing field project implementation efficiencies.
7. Review progress and update the partnership and communication strategies.

The review will also aim to achieve the following sub-objectives:

1. Assess the vertical alignment of SP outcomes and indicators, from the WWF global goals framework to the office strategy and projects.
2. Assess the efficacy and quality of the office’s strategy monitoring and evaluation plans.
3. Assess the appropriateness of the monitoring tools, systems and technology.
4. Update and assess the implementation quality of the integrated planning and performance approach.
5. Align existing projects and partners to Strategic plan outcomes and identify gaps
6. Furthermore, the strategy progress review (SPR) will reflect on the regional strategy, focusing on evaluating the contribution and value-add of the regional offices in enabling the successful implementation of the country office’s strategies.

2.2: Overview of the Baseline

WWF Zam has developed a new strategic plan being implemented between 2022-2026. In this strategic plan, WWF Zambia has identified key strategic pillars, outcomes, outputs and indicators that need to be achieved by 2026. The Strategic Plan builds from the lessons learnt and implementation from the 2016-2020 strategic plan. The WWF Zambia 2022 -2026 Strategic Plan will therefore adopt an integrated conservation agenda that combines multi-themed area-based conservation programs (forest and wildlife, water and energy, and green economy and investments ) with multi projects working in different landscapes to deliver conservation impact. Reliable programme review is important for making decisions, formulating strategies, setting targets and monitoring progress among target groups/communities. Using the knowledge management and results based management perspective, it is necessary for WWF Zambia to conduct this baseline survey. Additionally, the baseline will aim at strengthening the results measurement aspects of WWF Zambia and support the adaptive management processes during the implementation of the strategic plan.

2.3: Overview of the WWF ZCO Logframe

As part of the strategic plan, WWF Zambia has designed an overarching logframe to measure impacts and results for strategy implementation. The overarching logframe has identified a number of impact, outcomes, and output results areas and indicators. The results areas and indicators cut across the four pillars of WWF Strategic Plan, as well as the conservation and livelihoods aspects. Further, the overarching logframe ensures that there is clarity on how different projects contribute to the achievement of the strategic plan objectives and deliver impact.

2.3.1 Overview of the Zambia Conservation Programme (ZCP)
The Zambia Conservation Programme is anchored on the WWF Zambia Strategic plan specifically contributing to two pillars –thus Wildlife and forest; and Freshwater and Energy. The programme has adopted the measurement frameworks, outcomes and outputs and milestones and provides a clear alignment with the strategic plan.

2.3.2 Overview of the FAO/GEF Project

The climate change Adaptation in Forest and Agricultural Mosaic Landscapes project is being implemented by WWF Zambia in collaboration with FAO and Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources through the Forest Department. The main objective of this project is to increase the resilience of productive landscapes and rural communities through organizational innovations and technology transfer for climate change adaptation. The project has four main components that provide pathways to change, thus; Component 1. Strengthening the management capacity at national level and within productive landscapes for climate resilience including water management; Component 2: Promoting innovations and technologies in agriculture and forestry value chains. Component 3: Enhancing diversified farm-based livelihood strategies for climate resilience and Component 4: Project monitoring, evaluation, and dissemination of results. The project is being implemented in Nyimba and Petauke in Eastern Province and Sioma and Sesheke in Western Province.

2.5: Baseline Survey Questions
The main objective of the baseline survey is to assess the current situation on various outcome and impact indicators that would be used to measure the effect/impacts of WWF Zambia programs as defined in its five-year strategic plan.

The survey is aimed at addressing the following key questions:

1. What is the status of program indicators (impact and outcome; with a focus on selected output indicators) as provided for in the overarching WWF Zambia logframe and results measurement plans?
2. What is the socio-economic and demographic profiles of the people who are targeted in the WWF Zambia programs?
3. What are current WWF interventions offering products and solutions to conservation and sustainable development challenges?
4. What are the current conservation benefits accruing to communities and individuals in the WWF targeted landscapes?
5. What are the current conservation projects being implemented by other partners in the WWF Zambia targeted landscapes?
6. What are the current coping mechanisms that people are using to adapt to climate change?
7. What is the current resource mobilization capacity to finance the strategy?
8. What are the challenges, opportunities, lessons learnt/recommendations on WWF program implementation?

2.6: Baseline Objectives
Based on the research questions above, the following are the specific objectives of the baseline survey;
1. To update on accuracy and the status of impact, outcome, and output indicators for in the WWF Zambia overarching logframe
2. To provide further understanding on the socio-economic and demographic profile of the targeted beneficiaries of the WWF Zambia programs and projects
3. To determine the conservation, livelihood and policy results of derived from the current conservation projects programs of WWF Zambia
4. To provide recommendations for management and tracking landscape and thematic impacts, outcome, indicators by responsible staff


3.1 Focus of this Consultancy
The focus for this consultancy is to conduct data analysis and generate reports to inform stronger and systematic strategic plan implementation of SP pillars and the landscape approach. The consultant will analyse the data and draft the report in accordance with the objectives of the two pieces of work.

3.2 Objectives and Scope of Work of this Consultancy

3.2.1 Objectives of the Consultancy

The following are the objectives of this consultancy:
1. Conduct KII with internal staff and selected stakeholders at national level to determine current WWF impact in policy, advocacy, conservation.
2. To conduct data analysis for the strategy progress review process and WWF Zambia baseline survey data that will inform strategy operationalization
3. To write the reports for the strategy progress review and baseline survey.
4. Note that these are two different reports.
5. To identify key recommendations for each of the landscapes that could be incorporated in the current and future projects
6. To conceptualize key research and learning questions for each of our 3 conservation pillars –thus, 1) Forest and Wildlife; 2) Freshwater & Energy; & 3) Green Economy and Investment based on the baseline survey results.

3.2.2 Scope of Work of the Consultancy
The scope of work for this consultancy shall include the following tasks:
1. Conduct a desk review of key WWF ZCO documents- Strategic plan, results framework, specific M&E plans for projects, the detailed TORs for the Strategy progress review for WWF Zambia and WWF Int’l and the baseline survey TORs
2. Develop KII tools and conduct interviews with selected staff
3. Conduct data cleaning, analysis and interpretation for the two assessments
4. Engage with the pillar leads and project managers to identify key research and learning questions based on the baseline survey results
5. Identify key data results in line with the different indicators in the WWF Zambia logframe, project M&E plans and work with the M&E team to update the WWF logframe and different M&E plans
Prepare a PowerPoint presentation summarizing the key results for the surveys.

3.3 Approach
The proposed approach will be a combination of both desk review and participatory and consultative approach with the pillar leaders and the M&E team. The consultant will also be required to work on their own, however, they will keep the M&E team fully informed.

3.4 Deliverables
Related to the objectives and scope of work the following deliverables are expected

1. Two reports for;

1.1 strategy progress review report
1.2 baseline survey report

2. A concept note with clearly identified research and learning questions disaggregated by pillar
3. A logframe and project M&E plans filled with the baselines data for all indicators
4. Two (2) PowerPoint presentation summarizing the key results from the baseline survey and the strategy progress review assessments

3.5 Time-frame
It is anticipated that this work will take place between May and July 2023. We anticipate that this work will be done over a period 20 days.

3.6 Reporting, Coordination and Payment
The consultant shall report to WWFZCO’s Program Quality Assurance, with whom the consultant will coordinate the implementation of this assignment, including for logistical arrangements and facilitation of any required reference materials from WWFZCO.

The proposed payment schedule is as follows
1. Submission and acceptance of inception report – 20%
2. Submission and acceptance of first draft of the two reports -40%
3. Submission and acceptance of the final reports, PPT, Concept note on the research and learning questions -40%

3.7 Qualification
The following are the qualifications
1. Bachelor’s degree or higher in economics, agriculture, natural resources management, demography, statistics and any other relevant field
2. More than 5 years’ experience in conducting research, data analysis and research/assessment report writing
3. More than 7 years’ experience in Monitoring and Evaluation and learning
4. More than 5 years’ Experience in conducting strategy and project evaluation and provide documentation of specific experience in the form of copies of previous contracts and/or award letters of at least 2 previous similar assignments in the last 5 years.,

Education Requirement:

Job Experience:

Work Hours: 8

Experience in Months: 60

Level of Education:
Bachelor Degree

Job application procedure
2.8: Application
Qualified consulting firms and individual consultants are invited to apply in writing. The application should include (i) cover letter (ii) technical proposal, clearly proposing how they intend to carry out the assignment with a clear work plan, and (iii) financial proposal, giving breakdown and total costs, including consultancy fees for the assignment (iv) profile of the company/CV of proposed lead-consultant and sub-consultants (if a team). The application should be as one document.

Applications should be submitted by email, 22 May 2023, 5pm, to , with subject line “Strategy Progress Review and Baseline Survey Report Consultancy”, and addressed to The Program Quality Assurance– WWF Zambia.

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Job Info
Job Category: Consultant/ Contractual jobs in Zambia
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: May 22, 2023
Duty Station: Zambia
Posted: 17-05-2023
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 17-05-2023
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 01-06-2066
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  • SELECT fieldtitle FROM `icop0_js_job_fieldsordering` WHERE field = 'stoppublishing' AND fieldfor = 2121μs856B/components/com_jsjobs/models/customfields.php:198Copy
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  • SELECT * FROM `icop0_js_job_config` WHERE configfor = 'jobsharing'124μs1.02KB/components/com_jsjobs/models/configurations.php:82Copy
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  • SELECT, m.alias, m.path AS route, m.level, m.parent_id FROM icop0_menu AS m WHERE m.menutype = 'mainmenu' AND m.parent_id > 0 AND m.client_id = 0 AND m.published >= 0 ORDER BY m.lft376μs1.8KB/libraries/gantry5/src/classes/Gantry/Framework/Menu.php:791Copy
  • SELECT, m.alias, m.path AS route, m.level, m.parent_id FROM icop0_menu AS m WHERE m.menutype = 'distribution-channels' AND m.parent_id > 0 AND m.client_id = 0 AND m.published >= 0 ORDER BY m.lft203μs1.17KB/libraries/gantry5/src/classes/Gantry/Framework/Menu.php:791Copy
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