For the preparation of a targeted Environmental and Social and Environmental Impact Assessment and Mitigation Framework (ESMF) for the Barotse landscape
To ensure conservation programmes deliver better outcomes for communities and nature, WWF is rolling-out Social and Environmental Safeguards in all its priority landscapes including Barotse Floodplain.
Overall, WWF interventions are designed to yield positive environmental and social benefits. However, there is the potential for the implementation of some activities to result in adverse impacts on the environment and the communities.
The objective of this assignment is the preparation of a targeted Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) and Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) for the entire landscape to ensure that all WWF activities in the landscape, in particular those related to the inscription of Barotse Floodplains, Liuwa Plains National Park and surrounding areas as a UNESCO World Heritage Cultural Landscape, are aligned with WWF’s Environmental and Social Safeguards Framework (ESSF).
More specifically, the ESIA should identify the gaps that may exist in the current assessment of potential negative social, human rights or environmental impacts of all WWF activities in the landscape, and in particular those related to the inscription of BPCL as a UNESCO World Heritage Cultural Landscape. On the basis of the existing mitigation activities, the proposed ESMF should identify the gaps and recommend additional measures that would need to be taken to avoid and/or mitigate negative impacts, while striving to enhance benefits for local communities and the environment.
It is anticipated that the assignment will be undertaken through the following tasks conducted separately:
- Task 1: Development of a detailed work plan, virtual kick-off meeting and review of available documents.
- Task 2: Improvement of the current stakeholder analysis and stakeholder engagement plan
- Task 3: Field visit(s) and engagement with stakeholders.
- Task 4: Development of the targeted Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA)
- Task 5: Development of the Environment and Social Management Framework (ESMF),
- Task 6. Development of a landscape level Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM) in line with the broader Upper Zambezi Landscape
The consultant/firm is required to provide a projected project programme (Gantt Chart) The final due date for the assignment will be agreed upon with the selected consultant in the inception phase.
The project team proposed by the Consultant or firm and their qualifications have to reflect the scope of services and show excellent technical and professional qualifications. The Consultant shall provide a description of tasks to be performed by each team member as well as details on the selection and experience of the proposed members with regard to their tasks. WWF anticipates that proposed team members will include local experts who are nationals from Zambia with (1) sound expertise of the country context and (2) expert knowledge of the Barotse landscape and the communities that reside within it.
The Consultant shall provide updated curricula vitae (CV) of the proposed international and local/ regional staff. Key staff should have adequate education, professional experience, language skills and experience in the region. Please note that key staff presented in the Consultant’s proposal may not be replaced without the prior approval of WWF.
The Consultant shall estimate the human and other resources that will be required to complete Tasks 1-6. The financial offer(s) shall include all costs for elaboration of works, as described above, including travel costs.
On the basis of the full ToRs attached, the Consultant should prepare a proposal that covers:
- Proposed tasks and outputs (methodology);
- Team composition, including summary of expertise and experience
- Tentative work schedule (activities and milestones);
- Estimated level of effort;
- Estimated travel cost estimate (Flights + per diem).
- The availability to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement.
The proposal will have to be submitted by 17:00, 6 of November 2022 to the following email:
with copies to
The proposal will be evaluated by WWF against the following criteria:
- Level of expertise and experience in implementing safeguards systems (e.g. GEF, IUCN, WB, IFC, others), including carrying out ESIA/SIAs and developing ESMFs/ESMPs.
- Level of expertise and experience in the country and in the given landscape.
- Any other relevant expertise and experience (e.g. Expertise on cultural heritage sites, law enforcement, livelihoods, stakeholder engagement, participatory approaches, etc.).
- Language skills (including local languages)
- Overall quality of the proposal (incl. quality of the proposed methodology for stakeholder engagement).
- Cost – i.e. value for money.