Request for Information (RFI) on Local Suppliers and Distributors at Abtglobal
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98 Days Ago
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PMI Evolve Zambia 2024_ RFI 003/2024_ To assess the presence and obtain information on local suppliers and/or distributors.

Abt Associates implements the PMI Evolve Project, which is funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) under the US President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI). The Project is implemented in collaboration with the National Malaria Elimination Program of the Ministry of Health and focuses on reduction of the malaria burden in Zambia by carrying out indoor residual spraying in targeted provinces. The project’s main office is in Lusaka.

In furtherance of the project’s procurement policy which emphasizes on competitive sourcing, transparency, and accountability,

Abt Associates Inc. is currently seeking local suppliers and/or distributors capable of providing commodities and consumables, in Molecular laboratory reagents, field entomology materials and supplies, personal protective equipment(PPE) to the PMI Evolve project country programs, either in country or regionally throughout Africa.

The RFI can be accessed on this link at NO COST.

Job Info
Job Category: Tenders in Zambia
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: Friday, November 22 2024
Duty Station: Lusaka
Posted: 08-11-2024
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 08-11-2024
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 08-11-2066
Apply Now

Caution: Never Pay Money in a Recruitment Process.

Some smart scams can trick you into paying for Psychometric Tests.
22.995MBMemory Usage185msRequest Duration
Joomla! Version4.4.10
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